Mrs. Denger's Class!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas Activities!

Grinch Day! I loved seeing all the kids in their green outfits. We raced to find Snowflake (our elf) and he surprised us with green candy canes and The Grinch movie. We made our own Grinch and followed directions to complete our mystery picture.

Polar Express Day! Unfortunately I didn't take too many pictures on this super fun day, but I did snap a quick photo of the whole class in our pajamas! We read the story, completed reading comprehension activities, drank hot cocoa, and watched The Polar Express! We were so excited to hang out with our special visitor for a few minutes.... my sweet puppy, Otis! :)

This was probably my favorite dress up day -- Ugly Christmas Sweaters! I decided to turn myself into a Christmas tree ad several students came in with some pretty great looking outfits! 

Stay tuned for pictures of our FINAL day before break! Christmas party + Christmas caroling = a perfect end to the year!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thanksgiving Activities

We only had two days before Thanksgiving Break so we completed some fun turkey activities!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Digging for fossils!

Last week was all about dinosaurs! On Friday, we acted as paleontologists with our afternoon snack. We used our tools (toothpicks) to pick fossils (choc. chips) out of dirt (cookies)! We enjoyed eating our cookies after all our hard work!

Veteran's Day Program

Our class did such a great job performing for the school at our Veteran's Day program. I was so proud of them! Here are a few photos of our day.

Friday, October 31, 2014

A week of learning!

This week was all about bats! We finished our nonfiction writings about bats, performed bat poems with our reading groups, and learned all about a bat named Stellaluna! We also learned about nouns and how to put numbers in order from least to greatest. Check out our learning!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Apple Orchard Field Trip

We had such a great day at McClure's Apple Orchard! The weather finally cooperated and we had a fun-filled afternoon! Here are some pictures of our fun. :)

Petting the animals!

 Learning all about their bees and how they make honey!
Next up...picking apples!

 Our favorite part....tasting the applesauce cookies and apple cider. Yummy!